Systemic Counselling & Empowerment for women in all emotional and life situations




Becoming and being a mother always turns your life upside down, doesn't it? Every phase of development for babies and children brings many new moments of happiness, but also always brings with it great challenges - for yourself, your relationships and family life, your friendships, your professional life and much more.

Every concern is very individual and personal, so I'm excited to see how I can support you. If it would be more appropriate for you to come to me for advice as a couple or family, then please take a look here:


Below you will find a collection of classic concerns for mothers' advice in which you may recognize yourself: (Attention: It may sound quite negative at times, because of course the text focuses primarily on negative feelings and challenges on which I could advise you ( without any claim to completeness). Not to be forgotten, however, are all the beautiful moments full of love, pride and happiness that enrich and make every phase special).

You may feel miserable, listless and full of dark thoughts after birth and not truly happy about your little one. Or you simply can't put the birth behind you and forget what happened to you and/or your child there. Maybe you also feel somehow strange and uncomfortable in your body, which has of course changed a lot due to the hardships of pregnancy and birth.


During the newborn and baby period, you are often needed 24/7 and rarely have time just for yourself - and yet you may feel lonely, abandoned and invisible. Chronically overtouched, constantly just “giving” and “sacrificing”, not really “you” anymore. Underwhelmed by all the excessive demands. And although you as a couple experience the greatest happiness on earth, you may sometimes long for your old life, your old "self" and your former partnership. And yet this enchanting baby laugh always lets you grow beyond yourself and your limits.

Then the infamous autonomy phase follows with all its floods of emotions, tantrums and endless discussions, which often push you to the limits of your patience and strength. You do your best every day to educate and act consistently, fairly and in an educationally valuable way, but certain behaviors simply trigger you too much, so that nothing works out as planned. This gives you the impression that you are failing as a mother and you sink into feelings of guilt or fear that your child will reject you.

When siblings come along, the dynamics change again. It's now about doing justice to each child in their own way and treating them as equally as possible - even if you may notice a tendency to prefer one child more often. Jealousy and arguments accompany you and need to be moderated, but of course they also put a strain on your nerves or yours as a parent.

As your child goes to school, they will become more and more independent and additional caregivers will join. Maybe you find it difficult to let go. Or your child has difficulties at school and/or cannot handle the freedom they have gained well. Especially as you enter puberty, you may find yourself increasingly in conflict with one another; he/she questions your authority, rebels and tests boundaries. All of this worries you and you don't know what else you can do because you only have the best interests in mind for him or her.

Finally, your child's entry into adulthood, for example when they move out to study, may also have an impact on you. Or with your relationship, if suddenly there are only two of you and you have to get to know each other again.

 I would be happy to support you and accompany you through the different development phases. Depending on your personal concerns, we can help you to be more attuned to yourself, your needs and wishes, to be able to deal with different phases better or to be able to have more understanding for your child/partner/etc.

Some concerns make more sense than couples or family counseling, which is why I would like to offer you this opportunity to come to me as a couple (or whole family). I would be happy to adapt to you, whether we meet at your home, on the road (even with a stroller), online, by telephone or in my premises. If you have smaller children, you are welcome to bring them with you if you wish - but I also totally understand if this time should only be yours and you can accommodate them elsewhere. I would be happy to adapt flexibly to you and your circumstances within a certain framework.

Did you recognize yourself in the text above and are you interested in consulting with me? Then let’s get to know each other a little better and clarify mutual wishes and expectations during a free, non-binding introductory meeting:




By the way: Some time ago I founded the Mama Network Berlin, which is intended to help (expectant) mothers exchange ideas and make friends, but also to teach and educate about mental challenges before and after the birth.
In addition to the exchange via Instagram and WhatsApp, there are regular exchange meetings such as joint walks or play dates in the children's café, various workshops, mom or mom-to-be circles and retreats for your self-care and mental health during pregnancy, birth and motherhood .
Please take a look!





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